Life in the Monastery

Our schedule

05:45 – Morning Prayer (Lauds) - the Church’s morning praise of God or Liturgy of the Hours
06:00 – Inner Prayer
07:00 – Terce (Mid-Morning Prayer)
07:30 – Holy Mass
08:00 – Breakfast
09:00 – Work Hours
11:00 – Sext (Midday Prayer)
11:30 – Lunch
13:00 – Spiritual reading
14:00 – None (Afternoon Prayer)
14:30 – Work Hours
16:40 – Vespers (Evening Prayer); Sunday 16:30 - Evening Hour singing
17:00 – Inner Prayer
18:00 – Dinner
18:30 – Community Life (Recreation)
19:30 – Compline (Night Prayer)
20:00 – Office of Readings (Matutinum), rest

Life in the Monastery

Adoption and education

A candidate who after careful consideration demonstrates a vocation to our Order may be accepted as a postulate. This first trial period lasts for one year. Novitiate begins with vestments and is completed with a temporary profession (the adoption of monastic vows). This tiered introduction takes 6 years (postulate, novitiate and temporary profession). The adoption of perpetual vows is the ultimate bond with God and the community. Joyful preparation for the humble, modest, and simple life passed in prayer and work in good health, befitting the character and spiritual life, some life experience and maturity, love for the Church and readiness for living in the community – these are prerequisites of living in the Monastery of the Discalced Carmelites.

Photo Gallery

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Life in the Monastery

Participation in the Holy Mass

In the process of donating to the Holy Mass Christ renews his covenant with the church and makes concrete his Easter sacrifice.

During the liturgical prayer each community merges with the eternal glory of Christ and in union with the whole Church prays earnestly to the Father for the salvation of the world. 

Our guests and visitors may participate in Masses and the Liturgy of the Hours. 

Photo Gallery

 Click on the photo and see the gallery